
Hallowing <Blòt Horn blasts thrice>
Heimdal, bright holder of the Horn,
Hear our worthy words!
Donar, Mighty warder of the garðs,
Guard this stead foir holy works!
Setting and Hails
We come heere to hail the powers in this Harvest tide as the store of deeds and doom has come to bear. Here we stand, the holy earth upon, to hail the Wanes, mighty in their works. The fold has borne fruitfully to feed us; holy works too have orne fruitWe Give our thanks as these words into the well are spoken:
We call you wanes, worthy of all hails,
to hear our words of thanks
Freyr, Fro Ing, field's bright worker, wielder of the antler-mgih,
well have you granted frith, fruitfulness, and Froði's peace.
We hail you!
Freya, varied in your works; war-worker, seið-worker,
Granting the ways of love, most hailed are you, great Vanadis!
We hail you!
Nerthus, known to us all your gifts, well can we stand, and well are we in truth,
your fruitfulness in all ways to feed us!
We hail you!
Njorð, Harbor's master, hale in youtr trade;
well you bring us wealth!
We hail you!
All Vnair, and those unknown, all hailed in your works,
may we ever gain your wisdom once again!
We hail you!
Ancestors, wights, spirits of the land;
Alfgs, Dises, and all the holy ones
We hail you!
Giving and Toasts
Now we raise the horns, each to hail as he sees fit.
<Personal Hails>
May this mighty fruit-gift find you with our thanks. Well have we recieved, in turn well have we givengift for gift has been exchanged; libation poured to earth.
From the gods, to earth, to us
From us to the earth to the gods!
Leaving and Orlog-laying
Once again these words and works go into the well;
into the layers the deeds are laid.
by Erich Campbell

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