A Short Winternights Rite

Donar, God of the Garšs, Guard this stead for Disablot.
Heimdall, sounder of the Horn, Hold us ever in your sight.
We gather here as the Harvest season comes to an end to thank the great gods and goddesses for the gifts we've been granted, and to take stock of what the year has been, what is necessary, and what must be melted away like dross from good metal. We look to the ways of our elder kin, and we ask the gods to strengthen us, and provide us our needs for the harsh Winter and for times to come.
We hail you, Virile Freyr/Fro Ing for the harvest you have brought to our halls and homes!
We hail you, Fertile Freyja/Frowe for the love and lust for life we have known!
We hail you, all Ases and Wanes for the many weals you have worked!
We hail you ancestors, alfs and dises of the dead that have fared before us!
Here we ask you to witness this rite, rightly done, that you may know our truths through our acts.
Personal and Group Insight
We now examine what has passed, and speak of what has been good, what must be overcome, and how we shall carry on.
Know now how we carry on, striving ever towards virtue. Heilsa!
And now with this hallowed drink do we sacrifice, and give our toasts as we would have them heard
Hail to the Aesir and Vanir,
Hail to the Alfs and Dises,
Hail to the Land-Vaettir and all wights of weal!
We offer now this sacrifice to you, and retun it to earth.
Thank you, great gods and goddesses all for accepting these hails, and this sacrifice, and for giving us the boons you may grant. May you find us fitting to recieve these boons in the times ahead.
Now the rite is ended.